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Mizanina's Espression
Stressed Me Out.;
11 Oct 2012 | 10:18 | (0 notifications)

Exam. Exam. Exam. Exam !
Yeahh. for UiTM students , semestinya sekarang tengah busy buat revision untuk final exam sampai stress. Makan tak kenyang, tidur tak lena sampaiii habis paper . kan kan? Betul tak betul tak? Because that also happen to me now. Starting from 1 October 2012- 20 October 2012 , semua students UiTM kampus Induk   dan Bersekutu tengah menghadapi 'peperangan' peperiksaan. Tak terlambat lg nak wish korang Good Luck and All the best ! :)

For students Diploma In Accountancy, AC 110 sekarang hanya tinggal lagi 2 paper . MAT and AIS(Computer Application) . BEL(English) , CTU(Agama) and subject killer FAR(Akaun) dah lepasss. Boleh tarik nafas lega sikit sebab subject yangg palinggg saya takut dah habis jawab --> AKAUN ! Wuuu, dalam 5 subject, subject Akaun yg buat saya Stress. Harini bertarikh 11/10/2012 pada pukul 2.15 p.m-5.15  p.m saya dan kawan-2 yang lain bertungkus-lumus jawab paper Akaun. Tepat 5.15 p.m, keluar dewan. Hmmmm~ I'm worried. Tapi dah usaha, dah jawab jadi sekarang hanya bertawakal. insyaAllah, semuanya okay. Aminn~

So nowww , focus on 2 more subjects. MAT and AIS(Computer Application) .
Dear followers, and unfollowers, pray all the best for me and my friends okay ? ♥ 

And here some advice for you allss :

Next time if you're stressed , 
Take a step back, inhale and laugh.
Remember who you are and why you're here.
You're never given anything in this world that you can't handle.
Be strong,  Be flexible, Love yourself, and Love others.
Always remember, just keep moving forward :)